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Kce Managed Entry Agreements

KCE Managed Entry Agreements: An Overview

KCE Managed Entry Agreements (MEAs) are a relatively new concept in the pharmaceutical industry. MEAs are contractual agreements between payers, usually national governments or health insurance providers, and pharmaceutical manufacturers. These agreements are established to regulate the pricing and reimbursement of a new medicine that has not yet demonstrated significant clinical and cost-effectiveness data.

MEAs are commonly used in countries with a centralized decision-making structure for drug approvals and reimbursement. In these countries, MEAs allow for the provision of access to new medicines to patients while also providing a platform for the collection of data to support the medicine`s clinical and cost-effectiveness.

Types of KCE Managed Entry Agreements

KCE Managed Entry Agreements come in different forms. The most common types of MEAs are:

1. Payment by Results (PbR)

Payment by Results (PbR) is an MEA that links reimbursement to the clinical performance of the medicine. This means that the manufacturer will only receive full payment if the medicine is deemed clinically effective. PbR agreements are commonly used for treatments that have yet to be proven clinically and cost-effective but have promising results.

2. Risk-Sharing Agreements (RSAs)

Risk-Sharing Agreements (RSAs) are MEAs that seek to share the risks and uncertainties associated with a new medicine between the payer and the manufacturer. RSAs are developed to address challenges in the clinical and cost-effectiveness of new treatments. They are typically used for medicines that are expensive or have a limited clinical evidence base.

3. Early-Access Programs (EAPs)

Early-Access Programs (EAPs) are MEAs that allow patients to access promising treatments that have not yet received regulatory approval. EAPs are typically used for treatments that have the potential to provide significant health benefits to patients who have no other options.

Advantages of KCE Managed Entry Agreements

KCE Managed Entry Agreements provide several benefits to both patients and stakeholders in the healthcare industry. These include:

1. Early access to new medicines

The main advantage of KCE Managed Entry Agreements is that they provide patients with early access to new treatments that may have the potential to provide significant health benefits.

2. Cost-effectiveness

KCE Managed Entry Agreements allow for the collection of data that can be used to demonstrate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of new medicines. This can help to reduce costs and provide more affordable treatments for patients.

3. Risk sharing

KCE Managed Entry Agreements provide a platform for sharing the risks and uncertainties associated with new treatments between the payer and the manufacturer. This can help to reduce the financial burden on the payer and promote the development of new treatments.


KCE Managed Entry Agreements are a relatively new and innovative approach to regulating the pricing and reimbursement of new medicines. They provide a platform for sharing the risks and uncertainties associated with new treatments between the payer and the manufacturer while also providing early access to promising new treatments for patients. As the pharmaceutical industry continues to evolve, KCE Managed Entry Agreements are likely to become an increasingly important tool for ensuring equitable access to new and innovative treatments.