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Share Subscription Agreement Free Template

Share Subscription Agreement Free Template: A Must-Have for Your Business

Starting a business requires a lot of planning, and one crucial aspect of it is raising capital. One option is to offer shares in your company to investors, and to do so, you need a Share Subscription Agreement (SSA). An SSA is a legal contract between a company and an investor outlining the terms and conditions of the investment. This document is essential as it protects both parties and ensures a smooth transaction.

If you’re looking for an SSA, you’re in luck. Several websites offer free templates that you can customize to fit your business needs. These templates are beneficial for small businesses that do not have the resources to hire a lawyer to draft an SSA from scratch.

What is a Share Subscription Agreement?

A Share Subscription Agreement is a legal contract between a company and an investor that outlines the terms and conditions of an investment in the company. It sets out the number of shares being acquired, the price per share, and the payment terms. It also outlines the rights and obligations of both the company and the investor.

The importance of a Share Subscription Agreement

An SSA is important for the following reasons:

1. It protects both parties – An SSA ensures that both the company and the investor are protected by outlining the terms and conditions of the investment. This document is legally binding, so both parties must adhere to it.

2. It minimizes the risk of disputes – Having a clear agreement in place reduces the risk of disputes between the company and the investor. In the event of a dispute, the SSA can be used as evidence in a court of law.

3. It sets expectations – The SSA sets out the expectations of both the company and the investor. This ensures that both parties understand what is expected of them and can work towards achieving their goals.

The benefits of using a Share Subscription Agreement Template

As mentioned earlier, several websites offer free templates for an SSA. Here are some benefits of using a template:

1. Saves time and money – Creating an SSA from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive. Using a template saves you both time and money.

2. Provides guidance – Templates provide guidance on what should be included in an SSA, ensuring that you do not leave anything out.

3. Customizable – Templates are customizable, which means you can tailor them to fit your business needs.

4. Legally binding – Templates are legally binding, as long as they are executed correctly.


An SSA is an essential document that protects both a company and an investor. It outlines the terms and conditions of an investment, minimizing the risk of disputes and setting expectations. If you’re looking for an SSA, several websites offer free templates that you can customize to fit your business needs. Using a template saves you time and money while ensuring that you have a legally binding agreement that protects both parties.