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Queensland Public Health Sector Certified Agreement Eb10

The Queensland Public Health Sector Certified Agreement EB10 is a significant agreement for the healthcare workers in the state. The agreement covers a wide range of areas including pay, working conditions, and employment benefits.

The agreement, which was negotiated by the Queensland Government and public sector unions, is designed to provide healthcare workers with fair and equitable pay rates and conditions. The agreement is valid for three years, from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2022.

One of the important aspects of the agreement is the pay rates for healthcare workers. Under the agreement, healthcare workers will receive a 2.5% pay increase each year for three years. This increase in pay rates will ensure that healthcare workers are paid fairly for their work and contributions to the community.

Another key area covered by the agreement is the working conditions of healthcare workers. The agreement provides for improved work-life balance for healthcare workers, including an additional day of paid leave per year for part-time workers and flexible working arrangements.

The agreement also provides healthcare workers with a range of employment benefits, including access to professional development opportunities and paid parental leave. These benefits are designed to support healthcare workers and help them to achieve personal and professional growth while working in the public health sector.

In addition to the benefits for healthcare workers, the agreement also includes provisions to support the delivery of high-quality healthcare services to the community. The agreement includes commitments to promote workforce diversity, support the use of technology in healthcare delivery, and promote workplace safety.

Overall, the Queensland Public Health Sector Certified Agreement EB10 is an important agreement for the healthcare workers in the state. The agreement provides fair and equitable pay rates, improved working conditions, and a range of employment benefits for healthcare workers. These benefits will improve the lives of healthcare workers and support the delivery of high-quality healthcare services to the community.