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Simple Lease Agreement between Friends

When it comes to renting a property, a lease agreement is an essential document that outlines the terms and conditions of the rental arrangement. However, when you`re renting from a friend or family member, you may not need a complex legal document. A simple lease agreement between friends can suffice to protect both parties involved in the rental arrangement.

What is a simple lease agreement?

A simple lease agreement is a written agreement between two parties that outlines the terms of a rental arrangement. This legal document is usually used for short-term rental agreements, like renting a room, as opposed to long-term rentals, like an apartment or a house.

Why use a simple lease agreement between friends?

Even if you`re renting from a friend, it`s still important to document the terms of your rental arrangement in writing. A simple lease agreement between friends protects both the landlord and the tenant by outlining the expectations and responsibilities of each party. It also helps to avoid potential misunderstandings that could arise during the rental period.

What should be included in a simple lease agreement?

A simple lease agreement should include the following:

1. Names and addresses of both parties: The document should clearly identify the landlord and the tenant and their contact information.

2. Property details: Include the address and a description of the property, such as the room or space being rented.

3. Lease term: Specify the start and end dates of the rental period.

4. Rent amount: The lease agreement should indicate the amount of rent to be paid and specify the due date for each payment.

5. Security deposit: It`s important to include the amount of the security deposit, along with the conditions for its return.

6. Use of the property: The agreement should outline how the property can be used, such as any restrictions on noise, pets, or smoking.

7. Utilities and services: If applicable, include details about any utilities or services that are included in the rent, such as internet or cable TV.

8. Repairs and maintenance: The lease agreement should specify who is responsible for repairs and maintenance, such as repairs to the property or appliances.

9. Termination: The agreement should outline the conditions for terminating the lease, such as providing notice or paying a fee.


A simple lease agreement between friends is an essential document that protects both the landlord and the tenant by outlining the terms of the rental arrangement. By including key details like the names of both parties, the term of the rental, and rental payment details, you can avoid misunderstandings and ensure a smooth rental experience.